Posted by Nat and Dave at 9:24 AM 1 comments
I need YOUR help
Hey family and friends! I hope you are all having a great weekend. I'm writing this post because I need your help. As you may know I have started a service Project (Project Feed Me) to help feed hungry families across the country. There are hundreds of people that I don't even know who have signed up and are ready and excited to give service. To my surprise, only a few people that I know and love have done the same. I know we are all super busy and have a million things going on, but if you take just a moment to find out about Project Feed Me, you will see how important you are and how much you are needed! People are suffering and with little effort on your part, you can help make a difference. Please read about the project below.
Every 3.6 Seconds someone dies of hunger. When will it stop? How can we help? We must do something! Project Feed Me was created to help you and I feed the hungry.
Project Feed Me is a nine week program created to help feed hundreds of thousands of people. How can you get involved? It’s simple.
All you need to do is buy two of the “recommended food items” each week for nine weeks. At the end of nine weeks gather up your items and take them to your local food bank.
The “recommended food items” are the items that are most needed by food banks. Every Monday, starting Monday October 12th, the “recommended food items” will be posted at www.nono2yoyo.com .
Most items are very inexpensive ($1 or less) and can all be found at your local grocery store. To learn more about Project Feed Me and how you can help please visit the Project Feed Me site. It’s time for us to stop saying, “I wish I could do more” and to start saying, “I am doing more”.
To learn more about project feed me visit: www.nono2yoyo.com/project-feed-me
To participate in project feed me visit: www.nono2yoyo.com/register-here
Thanks guys!!!
Posted by Nat and Dave at 2:06 PM 0 comments
Project Feed Me
Posted by Nat and Dave at 10:17 AM 0 comments
Just so ya know…
Big AnnouncementI’m pregnant!! …..ok Just kidding. Not even close. But I am moving! Not cities or houses or jobs,but blog locations! You can now find me at
New site: http://www.nono2yoyo.comFeed: http://www.nono2yoyo.com/?feed=rss2
It’s still the same blog but in a new location and with a new look! I will be posting all of my new posts on that site, so make sure to update all your feeds, links, blogs etc to the new site address so you can come and visit me there! I just finished the transfer this morning and am still working on a few things so bare with me. I’m excited that I have my own site…i’ve never had one before. yay!
If you have ever thought about self hosting but aren’t quite sure how to make the switch, check out this amazing blog that I came across the other day. Its called Health Blog Helper. If you are new to the health/food/fitness blogging world like me there are so many things that exist that I’m not even aware of, and at times its pretty overwhelming. Health Blog Helper has been a life saver! Matt, the host has been so awesome to answer every single question i’ve had about moving my blog and figuring out how things work. I’m no stranger to technology but there is a lot to know and learn and without the help of him and his blog I would not even know where to start!Thanks Matt!
I’m still experimenting with the new layout and look check it out and let me know what you think!
Posted by Nat and Dave at 10:42 AM 2 comments
Weekend update and new posts…
Posted by Nat and Dave at 12:54 PM 1 comments
Oops I forgot
Take a looky: http://nono2yoyo.wordpress.com/2009/09/16/how-much-do-you-weigh/
Posted by Nat and Dave at 12:10 PM 0 comments
Rainy Days
Posted by Nat and Dave at 11:22 AM 4 comments
Weekend Plans/New Posts
Posted by Nat and Dave at 12:51 PM 1 comments
Summer, Fall…NO WINTER….
Happy fall. I love the fall. I also love the summer so I’m sad and happy about the changes that will happen. I drove to work this morning with the heater on and it reminded me of winter…which I hate. I wish it would be fall and summer all year long.
We had a fun weekend…busy but fun. We did a lot of labor day sale shopping. Since there were great sales and we need stuff for when we have a home, we bought almost everything we need in one weekend. Fridge, washer dryer, couch, and…..Dave sold his car last week and on Saturday he got a new one. He is so excited. He got a VW Tourague and he loves it with all his heart. It’s really cute, and in amazing condition. I’m a bit jealous of it. It looks brand new and it’s a 2004, the owner took amazing care of it. We got a screaming good deal on it too…so we were both happy! Anyhow …I think I forgot to mention this on here….but we aren’t building a house anymore. Yup. We are officially retarded. Well not really. We were about ready to dig and but the longer we went in the process the more the house was getting ridiculously high in price. We were going to be spending at least 60k more than we wanted and or planned. Dave felt very uneasy about it and I agreed…so we backed out. So here we are. Square one again..looking for a home. We think we found one…but I don’t want to ginx it so I’m not going to talk about it until we find out for sure in a few weeks. So that’s the deal. Oh Also…I posted a few new posts (as of Friday) on my new blog…. If you didn’t already get a chance to read the new posts I wrote on my “new blog” take a look. If you want, add the blog to your google reader or blog checker because although I may add links on this blog to that blog as I write new posts as a reminder to you that the other blog exists, I don’t think I’ll always remember to do so. Anyhow… have an awesome short week…. I’m not working Friday yay…2 ½ days and counting!!
Home page: http://nono2yoyo.wordpress.com/
Operation Beautiful:
Posted by Nat and Dave at 10:05 AM 1 comments
Math and the New Blog
I passed my math! Yay me. That means I’m finished with school…as in am a degreed woman! It only took a million years to muster up the strength to take that bloody class. I did pretty well too considering I was shooting for a passing grade only. I ended up with a B and huge smile on my face!
I mentioned in a post a few weeks ago that after I finished with my math class I was going to start a new blog…that’s not entirely true. I had kind of already started it, but I didn’t have time to write any posts since all my spare time was wrapped up in my math class. I have been done with math for three weeks now and have had plenty of time to blog….but the truth is I have been a little bit hesitant about sharing this blog with my friends. The only reason is because in order to explain why I started the blog I have to speak very honestly about me…and share information about myself that is personal and kind of embarrassing. After thinking about it for over three weeks I decided that I do want to share it. The reason I decided to start the blog in the first place was to document my progress and experiences and hopefully share experiences that may relatable to others. Before I started the blog I had been doing a lot of blog reading in the healthily living, food and fitness blog world and a lot of these blogs have helped me so much. I realized that my experiences are very similar to a TON of other bloggers I’ve read about. So, I decided it would be fun to start my own. I want to focus the blog on living a healthy positive life and the changes that we have to make to do so. The blog is about my steps in doing just that. I hope that you and anyone who wants to will participate will. When I say participate I’m talking about an interactive blogs with questions, challenges…comments fun stuff like that. I want to learn from anyone who has anything to say and discuss topics together and maybe through documenting my experiences I can help influence others just like others have influenced me. The name of the blog is nono2yoyo.wordpress.com . To get a better understanding of why I started the blog and what it’s all about read the about me page first and then go to the home page to read the first post. I have a few other posts that I’ve already completed but I’ll wait to post them until after this post so if you want to read the first post first you will be able to. I plan on posting frequently and discussing lots of random topics. Fitness, nutrition, power of positive thinking, struggles, goals…and who knows what else! Anyhow…I’m kinda nervous about people (you) reading it….but I think I’m ready to put the past behind me and realize that I should not be embarrassed by it! I have done what I consider to be a 180 degree change and I am at a wonderful place with myself. I think knowing that gives me courage to let it all out…ok that its. J See ya
New Blog: www.nono2yoyo.wordpress.com
About Me: http://nono2yoyo.wordpress.com/about/
Posted by Nat and Dave at 9:18 AM 1 comments
T minus 20 seconds

I did not dress for the weather that's for sure!

Posted by Nat and Dave at 3:51 PM 2 comments
Summer Pics
Here are some pictures that I finally emailed myself from dave's phone.

Posted by Nat and Dave at 4:55 PM 2 comments
Summer is almost over!!
I think it’s been forever since I posted anything. Here is a recap of what has been going on….
-Bear Lake with the family…(very fun!) Swimming, playing cards, hanging around, laughing…eating…fun times!
-Work (same old same old)
-Dave’s 28th birthday!
-Lots of four-wheeler shopping (still no four-wheeler)
-I’m finishing my last class to get my degree. It’s a math class. And I hate it. But I’m holding up pretty well. Only two more weeks.
-Many visits to tony’s
-Swimming at the pool non-stop with the fam
-Bike rides
-24th of July parade and lunch
-Sick Kitty and outrageously expensive medicine
-bachelorette finale party…..(so much fun!)
-new nephew! Dave’s brother his wife had their first baby! Baby Joel! He is so cute and I hate that I have to wait so long to see him!
-Last but certainly not least…..we are building a home!
We cannot wait! They should start within the next four weeks and then it should be about 4-6 months after that! We are thrilled! After 9 months of looking we are confident in our choice and are so happy with the home, the area and the fact that we will be in our own house! It has been almost 10 months that we have lived with my parents and we are past due on moving out! Lucky for us we can save some more and when the time comes we will pack up and move! The subdivision is in Layton. It is just a few minutes from the freeway and 5 minutes from the mall, Wal-Mart, sams…and many other things! We love the lot, love the house and are ready to be in it!
That’s all for now. Oh ya one more thing!! I am starting a new blog! I will still have this blog, but the new blog will be much different than this one. I will post the new site when I have finished with my math class. The new blog will be a lot different than this blog. It is meant to be an interactive blog, not just updates (like I seem to only do on here) The blog is about changing…and my quest to create and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, make changes…and work to improve myself mentally and physically. I want to share what I’m learning and I’d love to learn from anyone who is interested in chatting about different topics related to Fitness, nutrition, positive mental thinking and the struggles that come up when we try to change ourselves for the better. (I’ll explain more later!) I started the blog about a month ago and have written a few posts already, but I haven’t gotten around to fine tuning them or telling anyone about it yet. My math class has consumed my free time so as soon as its over I’ll post the link to the new blog. I’ll explain more about the blog and the purpose when I get around to posting the link! K bye bye!
Add on… I wrote this post yesterday but didn’t get around to posting it. Yesterday Dave and I hiked waterfall canyon. It was so much fun! Here are some pictures!
Posted by Nat and Dave at 8:36 AM 3 comments
Happy b-day
It was dave's birthday on tuesday #28! He is the oldest 28 year old i know...in fact If I don't stop and think about it, I kinda forget that he is so young. He seems like he could be 32 or 35 or 40 or something like that...ha, I guess he must have an old soul ....and i say that is a good way. Ok back to the birthday day....

After work we went and looked at four-wheelers for a while (of course) and then headed to tonys to eat our most favorite dinner....when we pulled into the parking lot with not a car insight we knew something was wrong. DANGIT! we forgot that they were closed for their annual cleaning. We were really sad. Dave opted for cheese sticks from pizza hut and i got a bean burrito from Taco Maker..YUM.

I made dave an ice-cream oreo cake and we each had a piece while he opened his presents! I tricked him so good this year. He always guesses what I am getting him but this year he was clueless! I even faked him out and made it seem like I got him a bike and then on the actual day I got his old bike and put a blanket around it with a huge ribbon and when he saw it he was way excited and thought it was a bike....once the blanket was removed he realized it was not new but his old one...totally tricked him. He was relieved too, because he didn't really want a bike...and least not one I picked out! :) He loved his presents and we had fun playing with them. It was a wonderful day. I am so thankful for dave and his life. He is a wonderful man. Happy birthday little one. I Love you
I'm ending with some cute pictures of the BDB. (Birthday Boy)....made it up

Happy birthday (ps...i keep falling asleep while i'm writing this. I sat up to help me stay awake but it didnt seem to help cus my head is bobbing on in all directions,, Its awesome.
Posted by Nat and Dave at 1:10 AM 7 comments
Two Years Ago
Dave and I’s two year anniversary was June 1. We were married on Friday June 1, 2007 in the Bountiful Temple. As mentioned in previous posts…we celebrated our two anniversary by going to Park City for the weekend and then of course, our wonderful trip to Cancun. I have been so bad about posting lately that I didn’t get a chance to really say much about our Anniversary. So….
A few things I love about dave…
1. He doesn’t wake me, even when I fall asleep without brushing my teeth
2. He is the goofiest person I know (but not many people know it)
3. He’d eat at tony’s every day if I wanted to
4. He like’s renting a movie to watch at home right after we finish watching a movie at the theater
5. He ALWAYS smell good (body, hair, breath…everything!)
6. He plays the guitar with his fingers while he sleeps
7. He often reminds me how bad diet coke is for me, but never asks me to stop drinking it
8. He is incredibly handsome
9. He has never farted in front of me
10. Last but not least….He does my math homework.
I heard a song today on my way to work and it gave me warm fuzzies…I might have teared up a bit. This song sums up how I feel about Dave and our life together. After hearing the song, I decided I’d post something on my blog with the song lyrics and a message to my honey. The next part is addressing Dave...(and I don’t care if you think this is cheesy, mushy, stupid, lame….or whatever..it’s how I feel)
Dear Dave…
The first time I talked to you I knew I was going to marry you. The first time I saw you, I was in love. I remember the first night we hung out together (after talking 3-4hours a day for 3 weeks before meeting), I felt the strongest feelings I had ever felt. I wanted to tell you I loved you...which is craziness, but I felt it. I thought I loved you then. As we dated and I learned more about who you were and what you were about…I again, thought I loved you. On our wedding day kneeling across the alter, my heart was fuller than I ever thought possible…and I thought I loved you. When I look to the past, I realize how little we truly knew of each other, and it freaks me out to think we thought we were ready. But heavenly father knew what he was doing and he led us together. The past two years have brought us closer together and built our relationship stronger than I could ever have imagined. I am the luckiest girl alive. I love you. You. You. You. You are so complex. So interesting. So Intelligent. So funny. So honest. So Kind. So obedient. So Sexy. So ambitious. So lovely. So goofy. So strong. So diligent. So persistent. So Anal. So vibrant. So alive. So mindful. So aware. So respectful. So silly. So patient. So understanding. So loving. So magnificent. And so, so, so much more. I find I learn more about you EVERY day, and I love it…all of it. EVERYTHING! You are my world. I cannot imagine loving you anymore than I do today…but I know I will. You just get better every day. Thank you for being you. I love you!
This song reminded me of you…. Happy 2 year anniversary little. I love you!
I remember, trying not to stare the night that I first met you. You had me mesmerized.
And three weeks later in the front porch light, taking forty five minutes to kiss goodnight.
I thought I loved you Then.
Now you're my whole life, now you're my whole world. And I just can't believe, the way I feel about you
Like a river meets the sea, stronger than it's ever been. We've come so far since that day.
And I thought I loved you then.
I remember, taking you back to right where I first met you. You were so surprised.
There people around but I didn't care. I got down on one knee right there.
And once again, I thought I loved you then.
Now you're my whole life, now you're my whole world. And I just can't believe, the way I feel about you
Like a river meets the sea, stronger than it's ever been. We've come so far since that day.
And I thought I loved you then.
I can just see you, with a baby in your arms, I can just see you, when your hair is turning grey.
What I can't see is how I'm ever going to love you more. But I've said that before.
Now you're my whole life, now you're my whole world. And I just can't believe the way I feel about you
We'll look back someday, at this moment that we're in and I'll look at you and say, "And I thought I loved you then."
Happy anniversary my love. I love you, I love you, I love you, I do!
Posted by Nat and Dave at 12:41 PM 3 comments
oh the divertido
Finally! Here are the pics. On the way to Mexico we had to be on an early flight and I was super tired. At the risk of being super embarrassed, I am posting the following picture that dave took of me on our flight...... for two reasons, one: dave dared me and to and two: i think its hilarious! Dave added some colors to make it look like i was dead...please enjoy a laugh at my expense

At the mall trying on sunglasses....i picked this pair
The pools and Hotel
My little mexican
Dave shopping for a wedding ring..(after two years of searching)
Swinging in the hammock at the Hilton...warm breeze, ocean waves....heaven!
crab catching on the beach
literally the sexiest man alive
2 years...happier and more in love than ever ever ever... (anniversary 06.01.07)
the view from the pool
What an amazing trip! All we did was eat, sleep, layout and relax. We drank virgin pina coladas, ate yummy food, ice cream twice daily..sometimes more, ordered room service, rode the bus, shopped at the mall, made deals at the market....and enjoyed each others company. FUN FUN DIVERTIDO! Happy two year anniversary to us...i love my honey and am more thankful for him and our life together than i could ever explain. We will definitely being going back very very soon!
Posted by Nat and Dave at 3:36 PM 4 comments