
funky funk junk

I’m in a total blog funk. I read everyone else’s blogs and LOVE them. But I can’t seem to come up with anything to blog about. I think I know why. Let me explain….About 4 ½ years ago….My life was funky, in a funk, funkdified, funky funk funk…and anything else you can make up using the word funk.. I was confused. I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life, where I wanted to work, where I should live…and don’t forget about the Panic/Anxiety attacks worrying that I wouldn’t find “Mr. Right.”

QUESTION: What does this have to do with not blogging and my life now?

ANSWER: I’ll explain with an analogy

Do you remember the last time you broke up with a boyfriend? It has to be a boyfriend you really loved and adored. You loved him, you loved being with him, you were best friends…. but deep down inside you just knew it was not right to be with him forever? MEMBER THAT? I do…and all too clearly.

I remember trying so hard to make it work, while at the same time trying so hard to make not work and end it once and for all. I wanted the change but had a hard time changing….

Immediately after I let go and broke it off I was so relieved because I KNEW I had done the right and now everything would magically fall in to place. LOUD BUZZER NOISE

W R O N G!! My life did everything but fall into place. I became a mess…I was confused, a bit bored, very lonely, and completely overwhelmed about what was to come next. Every day was a stomach ache and every night was a cry fest pitty party (drama mamma aka: Natalie pre Dave….(side note thank goodness for husbands who love us enough to help us grow up and become better all around)

Ok…here’s the analogy

Old boy friend that you love = Portland

*Loved Portland! Adored it. Loved the people, loved my job, loved the adventure…. But we knew it was not where we were supposed to be. It was really hard to leave our friends, the beauty, the endless fun and memories….the life we had created together as newlyweds

Breaking up with boy friend because you knew it was the right thing to do and you longed for “Mr. Right”= Moving to Utah

*As much as we loved Portland and as hard as it was to leave, we knew Utah was the place to be and we knew we needed to get there not matter what it took. We searched for over 2 years trying to find the right job and when it seemed like it would never happen…it happened and we were thrilled. Finally our dream was coming true! (live by family, buy a home, have great jobs) … it was all in the near future!

Making the right decision but still feeling lost, confused, and funkdified= Current situation

*Although we are thrilled to be here… I believe our expectations of what it would be like are a little different now that we are here. We are confused… a bit bored, lonely in a sense (we miss Portland), and slightly overwhelmed with what is to come next.

Don’t get me wrong. We are happy, life is good, and we don’t have many complaints, I have however come to realize that WE ARE IN A FUNK. We feel a little bit of where should we work, when should be buy a home? A bit of what should we do and how should we do it?… a little bit of where are all our friends and I thought we’d have more to do and a lot a bit of living in my parents basement and not our own place……

Word: Lim-bo
Pronounced: [lim-boh]
Definition: an intermediate, transitional, or midway state or place.

I kinda wish I were doing the limbo under a pole instead of being in a state of limbo. I believe this feeling comes from not being able to create our own life here in Utah. We are not on our own schedule, we aren’t in our own house, we don’t even buy our own food. (not that I’m complaining, cus its so wonderful to not have to do the grocery shopping…but sometimes you just want to have the food you want, when you want it and its not that my mom won’t buy it…of course I give her a list sometimes, but there is already so much food in their house that I don’t want to add unnecessary things when they really aren’t needed. And since I give my mom money at the beginning of the month for food, anything I buy on top of what she buys is just additional money spent…and we are trying to save ya know.)

We are so blessed to be able to save money by living with my parents, but it’s not our home, it’s not our stuff, and it feels like it’s not “our life”….or at least not the one we were used to living.

This past week Dave and I have been taking walks after work. The weather has been nicer and we need exercise so taking a walk is a great way to get in some exercise while spending quality time talking and listening to each other. And just in case I wasn’t feeling funky enough…. Leave it up to the conversations below to fill me with more to think about…


Dave: “maybe I want to go back to school and become a radiologist”

Me: “huh?”

Me: “another 8 years of school?”

Dave: “hmmm…”

The next day

Dave: “I think I want to be a professor at BYU and get my doctorate”

Me: “do it”

1 day after that

Me: “Do you want to move to Australia or New Zealand?”

Dave: “yes”

Me: “me too”

Me: “what about buying a house”

Dave: “I don’t know”

Me: “me either”


Dave: “happy Friday honey”

Me: “thanks you too! want to go to Tony’s tonight?”

Dave: “you read my mind”

Ok I made up the dialogue about Tony’s…but trust me we’re thinking it.

I have felt a lot of different emotions since we got here. It seems I can’t put my finger on what it is I’m thinking, wanting, or feeling (aka why I suck at blogging lately)…. Amidst the confusion, there are a few things I know for sure…

*I know Dave and I truly love each other

*I know that the church is true

*I know we have to go to work even if we don’t want to

*I know we love to watch “our” TV shows (the bachelor, hero’s, 24, true beauty, fringe, biggest loser, lost, Kath and Kim, the office)

*I know we love turtle, even when she is annoying and won’t let you pet her

*I know that a king sized bed is much better than a queen and if you don’t have one you HAVE TO MAKE THE SWAP

*I know that my allergies magically disappeared and I could not be happier about it

*And last but certainly not least I know Tony’s is the best restaurant in Utah and that we have eat there at least once a week.

Other than that everything else is up in the air. Who knows what we will do and when we will do it. I guess it’s a waste of time to worry about when it will happen and when we will get out of this funk….kinda like how it was a waste for me to worry about when I would find “Mr. Right (aka little honey)”. I found him didn’t I? And what a worthwhile wait!

The way I see it is, we just need to keep CTR’n….and enjoy this funky journey…. it will be worth the wait!


Love Love Love

After I bought Dave a Valentines present last week I was so excited to give it to him I could hardly wait! I came right home and told him that I’d just bought him a Valentines gift! His response…

”you bought me something?…. I didn’t know we were buying each other gifts for Valentines…I hadn’t planned on buying you something..”

Without sounding disappointed I said…”well I don’t expect you to buy me something…..I just had a great idea of something to get you so I had to get it!”

A few days passed and I asked him if he had anything planned for Valentines and he said…

”no not really…I figured we’d go to dinner.”

Of course I was a bit disappointed as I’d hoped he would have planned something…really though when it comes down to it, he does cute things everyday so who cares if he doesn’t for Valentines right?

I know he thinks its a stupid holiday anyhow.

Well, Friday night rolled around and while watching a movie, he paused it and said…lets exchange valentines gifts! HUH? I didn’t think you were getting me a gift…he looked at me like I was a dumb dumb for thinking such thoughts and went on to tell me I was really gullible if I fell for his

“I didn’t know we were giving each other gifts line…” (which I totally did)

He went into the bedroom and came out with his hands behind his back! He told me he wanted me to go last…so I then gave him the gift I had bought for him…(Fall Out Boy concert tickets)…he was super duper excited. Now it was my turn! He reached behind the couch and when he came back up he was holding a huge pink gift bag. I asked him where he got such a cute bag and he told me he picked out from Target! The fact that he bought a decorative bag to put a gift in, for me, on Valentines, was enough of a gift in itself…I didn’t even care what was inside the bag….it could have been a pile of poop and I would have been happy! (it wasn’t poop) I opened the bag and inside….was, TA DUH…..

I have wanted one of these for a really long time! I am ALWAYS cold and every time this commercial comes on I always say how cool I think it is, and that I want one…the commercial is so dorky, dave always makes fun of the acting, which probably made it easier for him to remember that I really really wanted one! I was thrilled with the gift! A big pink gift bag, a bright blue snuggine…and a husband who picked both of them out just for me! I cuddled up to him in my snuggie and we fell asleep on the couch.

The next morning I woke up and Dave was not lying next to me. He must have snuck out without me hearing. As I started to walk up the stairs ready to eat some cereal, Dave opened the door and told me to get back in bed. So I went back and waited. He came down a few minutes later and brought me breakfast in bed. HOW SWEET! While eating breakfast he handed me his phone and told me that someone had sent him a text message. I checked the phone and there was a long message addressed to me! He knows how much I LOVE love letters, so he wrote me one…. along with a really sweet poem. What a sweetie heart. Then as if that was not enough…. he pulled out two more pink gift bags! One with a few pairs of really cute socks I have been wanting, and one with two different kinds of my all time favorite old fashion licorice… which he had gone to 4 different stores to find. And to top it all off he handed me a long stem…chocolate rose and told me how much he loved me! It was so sweet…and even sweeter that he took the time to do something for me. Maybe I’m a dork, but it meant so much to me! The rest of the day was wonderful as well! We went to Kylee’s birthday party….went to a great movie, ate at our favorite restaurant (Tony’s) and came home and watched another movie. I made chocolate chip cookies and we ate them right up. I had a wonderful valentines filled with love, love letters, gifts, and yummy food….BUT in the end….nothing and I mean nothing will ever beat the everyday love that my little honey shows me…. It’s that everyday love, that makes life so darn sweet!



Who is? Not me that’s for dang sure! I did have a big scare the other day though. It went a little something like this….

After getting ready for bed on Sunday night, doing the nightly routine, I realized that my p-day party was three days late! That has never happened to me before so naturally I freaked. My heart began beating really fast and I felt sick. I didn’t want to mention anything to Dave (since the last time I mentioned something it left him in tears) I laid there in bed for over an hour worrying, wondering, planning, counting, imagining…I finally couldn’t take it anymore so I woke Dave up and told him that I hadn’t had my p-day and I was freaking out, he must have been too sleepy because he told me not to worry about the things I couldn’t control and rolled back over. WHAT! Last time you cried like a baby when my sisters and my mom worried me into thinking I was pregnant because I had a stomach ache.. (what’s up with that anyhow when your first married if you get sick in any way someone thinks you’re pregnant)…So even after spilling the beans went back to sleep. I didn’t, that’s for sure. It was now 2:00am….I laid there contemplating if I wanted to get dressed and drive to Wal-Mart to buy a pregnancy test…. I about did it but amazingly talked myself out of it by telling myself that if I was pregnant tonight, I’d still be pregnant tomorrow. Somehow I fell asleep. I jumped out of bed the next morning at the first sound of the alarm and pretty much ran to the bath room, hoping that someone had thrown me a surprise p-day party…. Nope. Nothing. I got ready for work with a pit in my stomach…I really felt awful. On my way to work I stopped at the gas station to buy a prego test. As I searched frantically isle by isle the clerk asked me what I was looking for…. I looked at her with a blank stare and said…uh medicine, but you don’t have it and then walked right out the door without looking up. On my way to work I prayed. And I cried. And I prayed some more. Geeze you’d think something horrible was happing. After my prayer I felt some discomfort in my stomach, I crossed my fingers and hoped the discomfort would turn into cramps! And to my relief…when I got to work I got that p-day party I was hoping for! Halleluiah! I called Dave immediately and told him. I felt like a new woman p-day, pms and all! In a way I feel a bit selfish that I’d be so upset to have a baby right now… but I’m not trying to be selfish…I’m just not ready to have kiddies yet. To me if I am that scared, worried, upset, panicked…it can’t be the right timing.. (kind of like when you were dating your old boyfriend… the one you didn’t marry and you felt worried, upset, panicked, and scared…about the thought of marriage) Didn’t go that way with your future husband to be right? NOPE not for me..its was smooth sailing…and just felt right!

I know when I’m/we’re ready to have a baby I’ll/we’ll know it and welcome will it with open arms. As for now… I’m happy where I am. I am a needy girl and need more time with my honey. More time for the just us, more time to grow, more time to learn, and more time to enjoy each others undivided attention. Once we have kids…we will have them for the rest of our life… I guess we’re not quite ready to start the rest of our life. Bye bye


Who is? Not me that’s for dang sure! I did have a big scare the other day though. It went a little something like this….

After getting ready for bed on Sunday night, doing the nightly routine, I realized that my p-day party was three days late! That has never happened to me before so naturally I freaked. My heart began beating really fast and I felt sick. I didn’t want to mention anything to Dave (since the last time I mentioned something it left him in tears) I laid there in bed for over an hour worrying, wondering, planning, counting, imagining…I finally couldn’t take it anymore so I woke Dave up and told him that I hadn’t had my p-day and I was freaking out, he must have been too sleepy because he told me not to worry about the things I couldn’t control and rolled back over. WHAT! Last time you cried like a baby when my sisters and my mom worried me into thinking I was pregnant because I had a stomach ache.. (what’s up with that anyhow when your first married if you get sick in any way someone thinks you’re pregnant)…So even after spilling the beans went back to sleep. I didn’t, that’s for sure. It was now 2:00am….I laid there contemplating if I wanted to get dressed and drive to Wal-Mart to buy a pregnancy test…. I about did it but amazingly talked myself out of it by telling myself that if I was pregnant tonight, I’d still be pregnant tomorrow. Somehow I fell asleep. I jumped out of bed the next morning at the first sound of the alarm and pretty much ran to the bath room, hoping that someone had thrown me a surprise p-day party…. Nope. Nothing. I got ready for work with a pit in my stomach…I really felt awful. On my way to work I stopped at the gas station to buy a prego test. As I searched frantically isle by isle the clerk asked me what I was looking for…. I looked at her with a blank stare and said…uh medicine, but you don’t have it and then walked right out the door without looking up. On my way to work I prayed. And I cried. And I prayed some more. Geeze you’d think something horrible was happing. After my prayer I felt some discomfort in my stomach, I crossed my fingers and hoped the discomfort would turn into cramps! And to my relief…when I got to work I got that p-day party I was hoping for! Halleluiah! I called Dave immediately and told him. I felt like a new woman p-day, pms and all! In a way I feel a bit selfish that I’d be so upset to have a baby right now… but I’m not trying to be selfish…I’m just not ready to have kiddies yet. To me if I am that scared, worried, upset, panicked…it can’t be the right timing.. (kind of like when you were dating your old boyfriend… the one you didn’t marry and you felt worried, upset, panicked, and scared…about the thought of marriage) Didn’t go that way with your future husband to be right? NOPE not for me..its was smooth sailing…and just felt right!

I know when I’m/we’re ready to have a baby I’ll/we’ll know it and welcome will it with open arms. As for now… I’m happy where I am. I am a needy girl and need more time with my honey. More time for the just us, more time to grow, more time to learn, and more time to enjoy each others undivided attention. Once we have kids…we will have them for the rest of our life… I guess we’re not quite ready to start the rest of our life. Bye bye



This is what I've been doing lately(see below)... ahhhhhhhhhhhh! how did i get tasked with selling a condo I did not agree to purchase??? It could have something to do with me listening to Dr. Laura on a regular basis and because I love my husband and love to keep him happy. The following is a cry/plea for help:


And while you're at it beg them to buy it. OK thanks!
So for anyone who might be wondering what the heck I'm talking about...let me tell you. Two months before Dave and I met he decided to buy a condo with a friend. (WHAT? WHY? HUH?) Ya, I know.. my thoughts exactly. Anyhow, 2 months later,we met, 4 months later we moved to Portland,5 months later we got married, 16 months later we moved to Utah...mean we pay this mortgage and are gaining nothing as the market continues to drop...lower and lower. Since we want to buy a home here, we need to get rid of the condo there. the end. Happy day!

Natalie and Dave Shaw | 801-814-1050

517 225th NE Lane, Sammammmish, WA
2BR/2BA Condo
offered at $285,000
Year Built 2005
Sq Footage 1,047
Bedrooms 2
Bathrooms 2 full, 0 partial
Floors 1
Parking 3 Covered spaces
Lot Size Unspecified
HOA/Maint $198 per month


Our condo in a GREAT location and loaded with all theupgrades. It is in perfect conditions (no pets or kids). Let our loss be your gain. If you are looking for a smashing good deal and are serious about buying give us a call and come take a look! We are open to offers.

This condo is located in the Saxony Condominium Community. Saxony is a modern community with attention to traditional details. The concierge service will take care of the details of day to day living while you live life to the fullest.

Condo Details:

9ft' Celings Throughout

• 2 Bedroom and 2.00 Bathroom

Unit Features: Large Balcony/Deck/Patio, Disabled Access, End Unit, Ground Floor, Insulated Windows, Large Master Bath , Large Walk-in Closet

Dishwasher, Dryer, Garbage Disposal, Microwave, Range/Oven, Refrigerator, Washer

Ceramic Tile Floor, Wall to wall carpet

Appliance Hookup: Electric Cooking, Gas Cooking, Electric Dryer, Gas Dryer, Washer

1 Mantel Fireplace w/ Beautiful Granit

Common Features: Cable Television, Club House, Disabled Access, Laundry Room, Lobby Entrance, Security Gate

No. of Park Spaces: 3 - Common Garage

Homeowners Dues: $198.00

Dues Include: Garbage

Level Entry Luxury Condo! 9 ft ceilings, slab granite counters, designer light fixtures, chrome and nickle plated hardware, upscale style. Spacious bedrooms that are separated like 2 masters. All on one level, no stairs!! Large walk-in closet, laundry room with full size w/d. Gas fireplace. Radiant-floor steam heating keeping you comfortable at all times. Garage parking for 2 car plus a private outside space included! (3 owned parking spots) HUGE BONUS!

see additional photos below

FireplaceHigh/Vaulted ceilingWalk-in closet
Family roomDining roomDishwasher
Granite countertopWasherDryer
Laundry area - insideBalcony, Deck, or Patio


Covered parkingGuest parkingClubhouse
Storage space(s)PlaygroundSecured entry
ElevatorWheelchair access


Radiant-floor steam heating keeping you comfortable at all times


Seller contact info:

Natalie and Dave Shaw
For sale by individual owner

powered by postlets Equal Opportunity Housing
Posted: Feb 6, 2009, 2:24pm PST